My mission is to help families navigate the challenges of parenting children with special needs.
Life can be stressful, exhausting and overwhelming for many parents of a child with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and ADHD. It can seem like there’s no hope and no end in sight. I’m here to show you there is. Through careful examination of your child’s health, history and environment, I have numerous ways to advise, treat and care for your child’s development.
I offer experienced advice, based on the health, wellbeing, and nutrition for your child.
As a qualified and experienced homeopath and naturopath, I see many children each year struggling with neuroatypical disorders.
Through careful assessment, I work with parents to establish what challenges they’re facing with their child. These include things like:
- Trouble sleeping
- Anxiety and difficulty socialising with other children
- Digestive disorders, fussy eaters and poor appetite
- Distracted focus, hyperactivity
- Shut down and express themselves by throwing tantrums
A recent study indicates that since 2017 there has been a 53% increase in ASD diagnosis, resulting in 1 in 30 U.S. children diagnosed with autism in 2020.
I believe that this dramatic increase is due to a number of factors. Research indicates that the increased toxins in our air, water and soil, as well as in our food, products and medication are significant contributing factors.
I’m committed to improving the lives of children (and adults) with Autism & ADHD by helping them to flourish and reach their optimal potential. I work with parents to help them recognise holistic perspectives, and too understand effective strategies to manage challenging behaviour calmly and confidently.
I work with families on a supported journey to assist in:
- stabilising moods
- reducing disruptive behaviour
- increasing concentration and learning
- improving gut issues
- resetting sleep patterns
By addressing underlying causes, the symptoms of Autism and ADHD can be reduced or resolved. As a registered homeopath and naturopath I help piece the puzzle together with effective, non-toxic, natural medicine.
I help parents, children and neurodiverse adults through a simple, three step process
Once you have made an initial consultation booking, I will send out an evaluation form for you to fill out and return to me prior to our appointment. At the appointment, I will take a comprehensive look at the history and timeline of presenting symptoms with you.
Look at how best to align the body by addressing underlying issues.
Typically follow-up appointments are required every four-five weeks. Follow-up consultations reduce in frequency after three months or so, or once we start some good progress. This is based on individual needs so it will be discussed at your appointment.
Click the link below to book in a consultation on my calendar.
A mother’s testimonial, Ani, NY, US
Tina has been treating my son for the last 6 months. She is very thorough in her care. She developed a treatment plan of detoxes and other remedies to help get to the underlying causes of my son’s autism. We have seen improvements in speech, cognition, and awareness since we started consulting with Tina.
Amy C, America
Prior to homeopathic treatment, my son was really struggling to control his emotions. This led to frequent outbursts, meltdowns and violent and aggressive behavior towards myself, his school friends and his teachers. Tina provided a remedy for him, after one dose there were no obvious improvements. The second dose however was instant and results were obvious. My son was suddenly co-operative, helpful and began to show empathy towards me and others. He started to leave the teacher's side and interact with other children. The anger and hitting has ceased and his sleep and energy levels are much better. Just one visit has made life easier and more enjoyable for both of us
Mariann S, Australia
It is like we have a different child at home. Jack is thriving personally and doing very well at school. His teacher is very happy with his progress and for the first time in his life we have had a very positive school report. Of course we are thrilled with the ways things are going
Koren H, America
ASD and ADHD Homeopathic Study
The objectives of the study are: ▪ To collate homeopathic remedy results from children with symptoms of ASD (autism spectrum disorders) and ADHD
A Homeopathic Study For ADHD Found Significant Improvement
A Pilot Study of Homeopathic Treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Children and Youth. In the pilot study of 35 children and
7 Acute Homeopathic Medicines to Ease an Anxious Mind
One of the main causes of anxiety and stress in this current unprecedented global situation is that our future is unknown, and we can feel we are not